Wednesday, October 24, 2012


I am so, SO happy to post about my really wonderful and inspiring friend Claire Cottrell's new shop: BOOK STAND. It's what I wish my library (maybe my future library next to my foyer, ah-hem) would consist of. She has steadily been collecting everything from art books, journals, photo books, plant books, earth books, film books, magazines, and just the most wonderful collections of stitched pages that you can imagine. She had shared with me her vision waaay back when we very first met, and I was so super excited about her idea then. To think that now it is up and breathing and kicking and looking so dreamy makes my heart flutter for her! I am so proud of her! 

:.  Claire you did it!! I am so super happy for you and now for all of us too!  .:



  1. Wow that is really beautiful.
    I have to say I love your blogspot - anytime I come here I read something both amazing and inspiring.

  2. So super rad. The site feels like the ultimate find in some secret space.

  3. thank you thank you thank you lili xxxxx

  4. YAY!!!! i LOVE book stand
    i LOVE CC!!

