Sunday, November 3, 2013

Wildflowering LA

Artist Fritz Haeg (big fan of his) is setting up site-specific lots of every shape and form and is sowing tons and tons of native wildflower seeds for all to enjoy come spring 2014 all throughout Los Angeles County! The work is commissioned and produced by the Los Angles Nomadic Division (LAND) with guidance, consultation and inspiration stemming from the Theodore Payne Foundation. Isn't this just one of the best artist initiatives ever?! I'm so super excited about this. Do you have access to at least 500 sq. ft of land that could use a native California wildflower field? It's not too late to email him to inquire as I believe he is still looking for more sites :

"Age-defying thirsty landscapes of clipped evergreen shrubbery and lawns cover this city that supposedly has no seasons, no sense of time, combined with a denial of death and aging. However, the story of the native wildflowers of Los Angeles is more complex, nuanced, localized, and ever-changing. Long-anticipated early winter rains germinate seeds that have been lying in wait, buried in dry soils from the low coasts to the high deserts, from the valley flats to the mountain slopes. Gradual growth with cool temperatures and low sun through winter months give way to an early spring explosion of bright green and rainbow color. The story of the seasons is told by the timing and extent of the bloom in direct proportion to the rainfall, temperatures, and climate. The plants turn a crisp golden brown as the dry summer months return, and the flowers prepare to broadcast their seeds for next year's story."

-Fritz Haeg

Just think what spring in Los Angeles will look like with all these fields of wildflowers prettifying all of our glorious nooks and not always noticed crannies! Hooray for you Fritz + LAND!!  So exciting!


  1. What a brilliant idea! These landscapes are going to look magnificent in the spring. Thank you so much for sharing this.

    1. hi lisa! isn't it? we should all plan a group outing where we meet up and go on a wildflower field trip ;)

  2. oh my gosh, this is so amazing. I can't wait! I want to tour them all with you come spring!

    1. oh dana i know!! this is so amazing. i am always so touched when people go above and beyond and that is their expression of art. let's go together on a wildflower-viewing field trip tour!

  3. Thanks for your post. I'm so excited about this project too. It's a fantastic way to bring people together and make LA more beautiful.

    1. hi there hilary! thank you for taking the time to leave a comment. i really can't help but feel that LA has so many wonderful happenings right now. it's almost like the butterfly emerging from it's cocoon and spreading it's wings! LA is soaring!!

  4. This is amazing! I used to live in the Santa Monica mountains and loved to go out and pick wildflowers and walk among them, I can only imagine how beautiful this will be!!
