Browsing through my dear friend and artist Lauren Spencer King's lovely cosmos, I came across this and I have read and re-read it all day. It's so moving, so heartfelt, so real. The story between June Carter and Johnny Cash is one of my most coveted tales of love. And then I got lost on the site where Lauren gathered these letters: Letters of Note. I just read and read and kept on reading during downtime at work today. Soooooo good. Go on and pay it a visit! And do take a moment to read the letter that Henry Miller wrote to Anaïs Nin! Oooh. My. God!
(Sometimes I am so reluctant to spend too much time on the computer, and then on days like to today, where I find such letters, dare I say I am super grateful for the interweb and it's endless avenues of information).
(Sometimes I am so reluctant to spend too much time on the computer, and then on days like to today, where I find such letters, dare I say I am super grateful for the interweb and it's endless avenues of information).
Nothing to do with flowers, everything to do with life.
Thanks so much Lauren xx
Thanks so much Lauren xx
Love this so much. That letter is so romantic/moving/raw. Cannot wait to read more. Thanks for sharing. x