Sunday, February 24, 2013

Johnny Loves June (So Much)

Browsing through my dear friend and artist Lauren Spencer King's lovely cosmos, I came across this and I have read and re-read it all day. It's so moving, so heartfelt, so real. The story between June Carter and Johnny Cash is one of my most coveted tales of love. And then I got lost on the site where Lauren gathered these letters: Letters of Note. I just read and read and kept on reading during downtime at work today. Soooooo good. Go on and pay it a visit! And do take a moment to read the letter that Henry Miller wrote to Anaïs Nin! Oooh. My. God!

(Sometimes I am so reluctant to spend too much time on the computer, and then on days like to today, where I find such letters, dare I say I am super grateful for the interweb and it's endless avenues of information).

Nothing to do with flowers, everything to do with life.
Thanks so much Lauren xx

1 comment:

  1. Love this so much. That letter is so romantic/moving/raw. Cannot wait to read more. Thanks for sharing. x
